About Us

Hey curios, thanks for stopping by! I'm Max, the creator of Where to host my app?. I'm a DevOps guy since years and have been working with a lot of different cloud and hosting providers.


One thing that always bothered me was the lack of a good overview of the hosting landscape and as a result, people just hopping on the most popular services without knowing if they are the best fit for their project. This tool is my try at improving this situation and providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

As finding the "right" hosting service is a lot more than just looking at hard facts, I put a lot of focus on allowing users to share their experiences and opinions on the different services. This should help you to get a better understanding of what to expect when using a specific service.

Our Promises

  • Where to host my app? will always be free to use.
  • The main goal will always be to provide you with the information that are most relevant to you. (Sad that one has to mention this nowadays.)
  • We will never include ads that we have no control over and that don't respect your privacy.
  • Any affiliate links or sponsored content will be clearly marked as such.


That's it for now. In case you see value in this tool, sharing it with whomever you think might benefit from it would be all I'd ask for. Thanks! Now go and find the perfect hosting service for your project!